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Vicente Fox Trump trolling fail: video falls way short

Anybody else getting sick of Vicent Fox Quesada’s schtick?

As much as I admire Vicente Fox Quesada’s comedic skills, and blatant opportunistic self-promotion—both of which he’s showcased fully, following Donald’s Trump’s inauguration—I can’t help feeling Fox’s trolling is more fail than funny.

Case in point, the latest Vicente Fox Donald Trump trolling fail—a video skit about the DACA program, falls way short of the mark.

OK, so, one of the main reasons why DACA exists in the first place—and the flow of immigrants into the US continues—is because of the lack of opportunity, the shitty free education system—or the ludicrously expensive paid alternative.

Then, there’s the scarcity of even semi-decently-paid jobs that are available for Mexican citizens in their own (incredibly beautiful and amazing) country.

Hey, when even your doctors struggle to make a decent living you know you have a really serious problem.

And, when you underpay your police force so chronically they can hardly afford to feed their family, then, don’t be surprised when they’re open to getting money from whatever other avenues are available.

Oh, and let’s not ignore the fact that as of 2018, Mexico’s minimum wage requirement is a measly $88.36 PESOS a day (around $4.30 US by current conversion rates).

So, yes Vicente, yes…OF COURSE, you would welcome DACA individuals back with open arms.

Let’s face it, they are some of Mexico’s best and brightest talent and they’ve been leaving your country in droves.

But, it was because of your weakness and ineffectiveness as President—in addition to that of your predecessors—that forced citizens to head north in the first place.

Your multiple corruption scandals, love of flashy cars and lavish lifestyle funded by questionable sources, inability to affect any form of meaningful economic and social change, and shameless, blatant self-enrichment during your time in office.

I could go on and on, but I’ll just leave it there for now. And hey, guess what? Little to nothing has changed since!

Peña Nieto proved to be no better–although at least he had the decency to publicly apologize when news broke that his wife purchased a $7million sprawling mansion from a government contractor (conflict of interest anyone?!!)

Oh, and at least Peña Nieto has–so far at least–refrained from “entertaining” us all with a never-ending flow of Donald Trump trolling videos, all while assuming the role of some great political savior.

NOTE TO VICENTE–your phony great President act isn’t fooling anybody who knows even the slightest thing about you.

Now, don’t get me wrong—this isn’t about me defending Trump—that sociopathic orange monstrosity deserves all the trolling in the world—and then some.

But, for the love of Allah, stop with the Vicente Fox Donald Trump trolling fail videos, because it’s just ludicrous at this point.

I utterly despise Trump, and I actually moved FROM the USA TO Mexico. It’s such an amazing and beautiful, resource-rich country, with unlimited potential, and a population of extremely hard working and awesome people.

But, thanks to shitty self-serving politician after politician failing the people of Mexico time and time again, rampant corruption, self-enrichment at the expense of those they are supposed to serve—Mexicans are forced to leave their family, friends, and homeland.

Mexicans are forced to move to the US in the hope of gaining an education and earning enough money to enable them to build a better future—rather than barely scratching together enough money just to survive.

If you had spent more time actually doing your job President Fox, instead of pouring millions of dollars into renovating your ludicrously luxurious, sprawling ranch, maybe you could have done some good for your people.

So, do yourself, and all of us, a favor, and put a fucking sock in it, Vicente…

If Trump doesn’t want DACA, Mexico will take all of them — @VicenteFoxQue pic.twitter.com/UQW0VZ1dlY

— ATTN: (@attn) January 26, 2018

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